
See the most recent announcements and news from the club.
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  • June 15, 2022 8:05 AM | Matt Lardner (Administrator)

    As out and proud LGBTQ+ elected officials and community leaders, the East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club Board is outraged about the senseless act of hate caused during the Drag Queen Story Hour at the San Lorenzo Public Library on June 11th. We call upon the Alameda County Sheriff's Office and District Attorney to investigate and charge, to the greatest extent possible under the law, these acts of hate aimed at harming members of our community and our allies. Additionally, we urge our non-LGBTQ+ allies in offices across the region and state to provide additional support to our community during these increasingly challenging times. 

    On Saturday June 11th, The San Lorenzo Public Library hosted a Drag Queen Story Hour. This event was part of a series of events throughout the Alameda County Library system designed to celebrate PRIDE month and uplift LGBTQ+ stories and experiences. During this event, members of the Proud Boys, a right-wing hate group, stormed the story hour yelling homophobic and transphobic slurs, with the obvious intent of threatening and intimidating the participants of the event. 

    We strongly condemn this act of hate aimed at harming members of our community and our allies. We are living in a time where LGBTQ+ rights are under attack across several states in our nation, and sadly, even accepting and welcoming places like Alameda County are not exempt from this type of hate. Hate has no place in our community and must be met with decisive action. 

    In solidarity, 

    Lisa Hu, Matt Lardner, Joe Greaves, George Perezvelez, Terry Taplin, Victor Aguilar, Alex Randolph, and Shane Krpata 

    (East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club Board)

  • July 25, 2021 11:11 AM | Deleted user

    Prepare to cast your ballots!

    East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club will be hosting a virtual endorsement meeting for Assembly District 18.

    • Help decide who Stonewall endorses - Mia Bonta or Janani Ramachandran
    • Login to the Stonewall member portal on August 3rd from 5 PM to 8 PM to cast your vote
    • To be eligible to vote, you must have paid your annual dues by July 27, 2021
    Only members whose annual dues were paid prior to May 19th are eligible to vote. You can make sure you are an active club member by logging in to the member portal here. Your email is your username. You can reset your password here if you don't know it. 

    Get to Know the Candidates!

    Candidate Interviews:

    Candidate Questionnaires:

    If you have any question as to whether you are an eligible voting member, please email,

    We look forward to your participation on August 3rd from 5:00 to 8:00 PM.

  • March 21, 2021 6:18 PM | Matt Lardner (Administrator)

    The East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club's Board has called for a board election to help fill some unexpected vacancies. Any current club member is eligible to apply to serve on the Board.

    If increasing LGBTQIA+ representation in elected office and developing local, grassroots political participation that advances policies that will improve the lives of LGBTQIA+ community members and their families is important to you, we have opportunities!

    Our Board is planning a series of robust discussions to help shape the future of our Club in the coming months. We opted to fill existing vacancies and confirm currently appointed members through an election so the Board can develop an action plan for the future of our Club and its members.

    To run for the Club's Board, please download the board member application below, and follow the instructions on the form to submit your candidacy. The deadline to submit applications will close on April 9, 2021 at 5pm.

    If you'd like to run for an Executive Officer position, there are three positions that are up during this election: President, Vice President, and Political Action Committee Chair. To learn more about these positions, the board, or the duties associated with them, please contact John Bauters at

    The Board will hold an online/virtual election on Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 1pm.

    Click here for Board Member Application

  • November 16, 2020 7:46 PM | Deleted user

    Every month and especially this November, we urge the East Bay Stonewall Democratic Clubcommunity, allies, and supporters to: center transgender activists, advocates, and organizations; donate and support individuals and organizations delivering life-saving services in housing, health, and more; learn more about key issues facing trans community members; and identify additional ways to celebrate and stand with transgender communities in your personal and professional lives. We hope you will join us in this necessary work of love, justice, and community.

  • June 25, 2020 3:33 PM | Matt Lardner (Administrator)

    Kickstart your Pride playlist with East Bay Stonewall Dems. We’ve selected some songs for you to enjoy on our Truvada for the Soul playlist on Spotify!

    Celebrate Pride 2020 safely with a party music mix to unite us all!!

  • June 16, 2020 7:11 PM | Anne Marks

    East Bay Stonewall Board is Recruiting!

    Are you interested in increasing LGBTQ+ political participation and representation? Look no further, East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club is recruiting new members to join our board. We encourage you to volunteer your time and talents! The deadline to submit applications closes July 14, 2020 at 5pm. Click here for application.

  • June 01, 2020 4:31 PM | Matt Lardner (Administrator)

    We embrace anti-racism and the end of white supremacy. Tony McDade, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery are the latest names added to the long list of loved ones we remember alongside the senseless loss of so many other lives.

    East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club stands in solidarity with others who are committed to supporting structural change and ending police brutality and violence against the Black, Inidigenous, and all other communities of color. We will continue to lead with voices that promote inclusion and equality grounded in our shared vision of justice for all.

    Please consider making a donation to Black Visions Collective as a sign of solidarity from our community.  Black Visions Collective is a black- and queer-led organization based in Minneapolis who is on the frontlines of the uprising in response to the murder of George Floyd, and invested in long-term organizing.

  • April 01, 2020 6:12 PM | Matt Lardner (Administrator)

    Dear East Bay Stonewall Deomcratic Club Members, 

    These are incredibly tough times.  As no doubt you are aware, COVID-19 will continue to have a devastating impact on our world.  As we brace for the effects this pandemic will have on our lives, we realize more than ever the importance of community.

    Stonewall stands united with over 100 organizations across the country reminding media and health officials of the devastating effect COVID-19 has on LGBTQ+ communities. We recently signed onto the open letter from our friends at the National LGBT Cancer Network.

    Since our founding in 1982 it has been the mission of Stonewall Democratic club to give voice to the East Bay LGBTQQI community.  We understand that in crises such as these, historically marginalized communities will suffer most. LGBT populations are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of this virus. We are monitoring the rapid developments of COVI-19 and committed to keeping you updated with resources and ways to lift our voice at this time. Please be safe and take all the necessary precautions, we are our most important resource. 

     Some articles to reference:


    Update on Endorsed Candidates

    Although it is a hard time for many, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate the wins of our endorsed candidates in the March 2020 elections! Congratulations to these candidates! We are looking forward to working with each and everyone one of you! 

    15th State Assembly District

    Buffy Wicks

    18th State Assembly District

    Rob Bonta

    Alameda County Supervisor, District 4

    Nate Miley

    Alameda County Supervisor, District 5

    Keith Carson

    Board of Education, District 2

    Angela Normand

    Board of Education, District 5

    Janevette Cole

    Democratic County Central Committee, 20th District

    Melissa Shuen-Mallory

    Democratic County Central Committee, 18th District

    Victor Aguilar, Jr

    Brendalynn Goodall

    Measure C was also passed with a strong majority!

    Welcome New Stonewall Board

    In addition to some newly elected officials, we wanted to welcome our new Stonewall Board that was unanimously voted into office at our Annual Member Party in February!


    Kamika Dunlap

    Vice President

    John Bauters


    James Chang

    PAC Chair

    Amy Fitzgerald


    George Perezvelez

    At-Large Board Members

    Victor Aguilar, Jr.

    Anne Marks

    Ces Rosales

    Vince Steele


    Upcoming Club Events

    Be sure to join us at our upcoming events later this Spring! Note: depending on shelter-in-place order, events may be held virtually. 

    Virtual Panel Discussion: Lessons from AIDS and COVID-19:                    Building Community in a Pandemic

    (Wednesday, April 15 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm)

    Join us for a virtual panel discussion with Bay area community leaders, mental health specialists and historians as we discuss the ever growing COVID-19 crisis. What lessons have members of our community learned from the HIV/AIDS crisis that we can apply to our current health emergency?  How do we prioritize self-care in the midst of a pandemic? Let’s channel our feelings of anxiety, fear and anger into productive action as we discuss ways to build community while in isolation. 

    Membership Meeting

    (May 13 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm)

    Join us for our second Membership Meeting of 2020! Location TBA closer to the event. 

    What our Board Members are Reading, Watching, and Listening to Right Now

    In these times, it’s important we’re all taking time for activities that are giving us joy. We want to share with our community what we’re watching, reading, listening to individually that is keeping us calm/grounded.


      • The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well by Meik Wiking
      • “Dare to Lead” Brene’ Brown


      • Derry Girls on Netflix

      • “Tiger King” on Netflix
      • “Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker” on Netflix


      • “The Read,” a hilarious podcast covering pop culture and hip hop. 
      • 80s hits - Queen
      • Women’s Foundation of California Rebel Joy Playlist Uncut
      Renew your membership/Sign up Friends

      Don’t miss out on these exciting events and more! Make sure you are an active club member by logging in to the member portal here.* Please also encourage your family, friends, and community to consider becoming a member of our club as well! 

      *Are you a member but don't know your password to log in? No problem. Just reset your password here.


      Follow us on social media

      Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

    1. June 10, 2019 11:50 AM | Matt Lardner (Administrator)

      Proposed Amendments to East Bay Stonewall Democrats Bylaws

      The board wants to share our proposed bylaw changes related to our club's endorsement process. Members will be voting on these changes at General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, July 17th (location TBD). Please read the changes below:



      8.1 – Committees: Each committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors and may develop recommendations for consideration by the Board. The Board may also delegate certain matters to committees, including developing new projects, improving existing services and identifying problems for resolution.

      8.2 Scope - The Board may establish committees as needed.  The size, duration and responsibilities of such committees shall be established by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. In addition, the club shall maintain the following standing committees:

      · The Political Affairs Committee (PAC) is responsible for the political activities of the club. The PAC shall be comprised of only members of the Board. Consistent with the provisions of Article IX, the PAC shall develop protocols for holding meetings of the general membership for the purpose of considering the endorsement of candidates and ballot measures. The PAC shall also make recommendations regarding the disbursement of funds in affiliated political action committees. The PAC Chairperson shall preside over the PAC. Board members may not serve on the PAC at any time when their service would constitute a conflict of interest. Examples of conflicts include but are not limited to declaring candidacy for political office or being employed on behalf of a candidate or their committee. Members of the PAC must resign from the committee immediately upon the existence of a conflict. The PAC Chairperson shall establish an annual budget for PAC funds and the PAC shall be tasked with developing strategies for raising those funds.

      · The Membership and Communications Committee is responsible for developing recommendations regarding the recruitment and retention of club members and managing related membership and communications processes. The President shall designate a member of the Board of Directors to serve as chairperson and preside over the committee.

      · The Policy and Advocacy Committee is responsible for the policy activities of the club, including developing recommendations regarding the endorsement of legislation, and regarding the club’s involvement in related policy matter.  The Committee is also responsible for coordinating the advocacy activities of the Club.

      8.3. Committee Membership - Committees shall be comprised of Executive Officers, Board Members, and/or members of the club.  Committee appointments are made by the President, and unless otherwise specified herein the President shall designate one member of each committee to serve as chairperson. The President shall appoint each Board Member to serve on at least one committee.


      9.1 – Offices Endorsed: Subject to the requirements of the State Party By-Laws and the laws of the State of California, the Club may make endorsements of candidates for local elected offices as well as Democratic Candidates in primary elections for state and federal offices and for State and Local Ballot Measures that have been qualified. Endorsements for Democratic Party positions are subject to the process described in Section 9.11. To be eligible for endorsement, a candidate must be a registered Democrat. The PAC may determine which election races and ballot measures to consider for endorsement in a given election cycle.

      9.2 – Candidate Endorsement Eligibility: A candidate seeking public office with a jurisdiction over all or a portion of Alameda County may seek the official endorsement of the Club. To be eligible, the candidate must submit a completed endorsement questionnaire to the PAC Chairperson no later than seven days after the latest candidate filing date for the election, as set by the Alameda County Registry of Voters. The questionnaire shall contain a provision that may be signed and dated by the candidate identifying and authorizing a third party to submit the questionnaire on their behalf.

      9.3. – Ballot Measure Endorsement Eligibility: Only a ballot measure that will appear on a ballot within Alameda County may seek the official endorsement of the Club. To be eligible, the chair of an FPPC-recognized campaign committee must submit a completed ballot measure endorsement questionnaire to the PAC Chairperson not later than seven days after the latest candidate filing date for the election, as set by the Alameda County Registry of Voters. If no campaign committee exists, any person who signed the official Argument in Support of the measure for the Alameda County Voters Guide may file to seek the measure’s endorsement, subject to the same requirements, identified above. The questionnaire shall contain a provision that may be signed and dates by the ballot measure representative identifying and authorizing a third party to submit the questionnaire on their behalf.

      9.4 – Endorsement Process: After the endorsement application deadline has passed, the PAC Chairperson shall notify the Board of the number of candidates and ballot measures seeking the Club’s endorsement and shall notify all candidates of the date, time and location of the endorsement meeting with the general membership. Notice of the meeting shall conform with the provisions of Article V of these bylaws and be made available to the public. The PAC Chairperson shall establish the format and manner for evaluation of candidates and measures, as well as the date, time and location for the endorsement meeting. Upon approval of the date and location by the Board, the PAC Chairperson shall notify the candidates and ballot measure representatives of the date and time for the endorsement meeting, along with instructions for the format of the meeting and the Club’s endorsement tiers.

      9.5 Threshold for Endorsement – All candidates and ballot measures must receive at least 60% of the votes cast in order to receive the Club’s endorsement. Members shall be provided the names of all candidates and ballot measures that meet eligibility requirements, as determined by the PAC Chairperson. In instances where a member does not cast a vote, it shall not be included in the total of votes cast for purposes of determining whether the threshold for endorsement has been reached.

      9.6 – Ballot Markers – For candidate endorsements only, the PAC Chairperson shall place two markers besides the names of each candidate who appears on the ballot.

      LGBTQ Candidate Marker – For each candidate who identifies themselves as LGBTQ in their candidate questionnaire, there shall be a marker beside their name on the ballot identifying them as such, for the benefit of the membership.

      East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club Member Marker – For each candidate who is a current, dues-paying members of the Club, there shall be a marker beside their name on the ballot identifying them as such, for the benefit of the membership.

      The PAC Chairperson shall determine the marker for the ballots and shall include a prominent legend explaining each marker at the top of the first page of the ballot for the benefit of the membership.

      9.7 – Tabulation of Results: The PAC Chairperson, or another member of the PAC if the Chairperson is unavailable, along with not less than one other Board Member, shall meet in private after the endorsement meeting to tabulate the vote of the general membership. The PAC Chairperson shall report the outcome to the full Board within 24 hours of the endorsement meeting, along with the tiered endorsement benefits each endorsee is entitled to, pursuant to Section 9.10 of this Article. The reported results shall be limited to “endorsed” or “not endorsed” and shall not contain specific information about vote counts. The ballots shall be retained by the PAC Chairperson through the date of the election. Any requests to recount votes or other challenges to the endorsement process shall be adjudicated by the PAC Chairperson, in consultation with the Board President.

      9.8 – Publishing Slate of Endorsed Candidates: The Secretary shall notify all candidates, ballot measure proponents, and the Club’s membership of the outcome of the vote taken at the endorsement meeting within 48 hours of the adjournment of the meeting.

      9.9 – Rescission: A request to rescind an endorsement may be filed by any member of the Club by submitting a signed, dated request, with a basis for the request to the PAC Chairperson. If supported by a majority of the Board, the endorsement of a candidate or ballot measure may be placed before the general membership for rescission. The general membership, by a two-thirds majority vote, may vote to rescind an endorsement.

      9.10 – Endorsement Benefits: Candidates and ballot measures that secure the endorsement of the Club are entitled to various levels of endorsement support by the Club, its Board, and Members.

      Tier 1 – For all candidates who are neither LGBTQ nor Club Members, as well as all ballot measures, the Club shall authorize the use of the Club’s name and seal on campaign literature or materials, and the endorsee may identify themselves as endorsed by the Club through the date of the election for which they sought Club endorsement.

      Tier 2 – For all candidates who are members of the Club but do not identify as LGBTQ, the endorsee shall have all the benefits of a Tier 1 endorsee but shall also be eligible to receive a campaign contribution from the Club. The amount of any financial contribution shall be recommended by the PAC and approved by the Board.

      Tier 3 – For all candidates who identify as LGBTQ, the endorsee shall have all the benefits of Tier 1 and 2 endorsees but shall also be eligible to receive volunteer hours from the Club’s Board and membership. The amount of any financial contribution shall be recommended by the PAC and approved by the Board.

      The PAC will determine the amount of financial assistance to provide eligible Tier 2 and 3 endorsees by considering the total amount of eligible funds. Priority in funding shall always be given to Tier 3 candidates and the amount of assistance awarded shall be tiered such that Tier 3 candidates receive larger contributions.

      The number of volunteer hours provided to Tier 3 candidates shall be determined by the Board, at the recommendation of the PAC.

      The PAC may hold additional fundraisers for endorsed candidates or measures that align with the Club’s mission that are separate from and in addition to the endorsement process.

      9.11 – Endorsements for Democratic Party Positions: An openly LGBTQ member of the Club may seek the endorsement of the Board for a leadership position in another Democratic club or caucus that is part of the official political apparatus of the California or Alameda County Democratic Party. An applicant for an endorsement under this section may apply to the PAC Chairperson for the endorsement by identifying the organization, position, and the date of the appointment or election in writing. If the applicant is part of a slate of candidates, the Board may consider endorsement of the entire slate. The decision to endorse shall be official upon the vote of a majority of the Board. The endorsed candidate may use the Club’s name and logo for the race and position for which they were endorsed.

    2. March 26, 2018 2:27 PM | Matt Lardner (Administrator)

      We had an exciting Membership Meeting last Thursday!

      We came together and voted on endorsing local and state candidates for the June 2018 Primary Election. Thank you to all members who came to cast their vote and support the club! 

      Per club bylaws, to be eligible for endorsement a candidate must be a registered Democrat and fill out our candidate questionnaire. A candidate must receive at least 60% of the votes cast to be endorsed. 

      The following candidates have received endorsements from the East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club for the June 2018 Primary Election: 

      Secretary of State: Alex Padilla

      State Treasurer: Fiona Ma

      State Controller: Betty Yee

      State Insurance Commissioner: Richard Lara

      State Superintendent of Public Education: Tony Thurmond

      State Board of Equalization, 2nd District: Malia Cohen

      U.S. Congress CA District 13: Barbara Lee

      Alameda County Superior Court, Seat 11: Judge Tara Flanagan

      Alameda County Board of Education Trustee, Area 1: Joaquin Rivera

      While the club also voted on the Alameda County District Attorney and Assembly District 15 races, no candidate reached the 60% threshold. 

      Congratulations to all candidates who received an endorsement!

      Stay tuned for more exciting club news and events! 

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    East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club. P.O. Box 10996, Oakland, CA 94610                    Contact us at:     

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